Porn gay rape stories

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No names, no faces, no contact afterwards.Įvery day when I got done working I would rush back to the hotel, strip to a pair of shinny Peavey high gloss tights with the ass and crotch cut out, and wait for my fantasy to come true. I told the hotel manager that I was expecting a visitor so there would be no suspicion. Ryan Fortes' and said he could pick it up anytime during the week. I left the extra key at the front desk for 'Mr. I told him what hotel I was staying at and the room number. They both sent me photos of there cocks, and the larger of the 2 was the winner. I got several responses, but only 2 were actually serious. I posted an ad on craigslist in Chicago where I was going to be visiting asking for the 'rape'. I started thinking of ways to do this, and came up with this plan. 'You should post this on craigslist asking for someone to rape you. I was telling my fantasy to my friend Darel shortly after drinking his cum. I was never upset about that, I can understand that someone doesn't know if it's a setup or what. So I've had a rape fantasy for many years, but never found anyone willing to help me with it. It has taken me almost 2 hours to write down because I keep stopping to jerk off when I remember the sexy parts of what happened to me. Rape fantasy First off, let me just say this is a 100% true story. Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.

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