Garage door nifty gay male

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However a big box 'Home Depot' opens down the street and takes away all of Dugan's business. He is furious about being put out of business by this huge corporation and decides he will burn it down. He stockpiles gasoline, oily rages and propane tanks in his garage.

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One night he loads this material in his truck and drives to the closed Home Depot store. He has checked the place out and knows that a back door can be easily opened which will lead to the Lumber Department filled with highly inflammable wooden products. He picks the lock and begins moving open gasoline cans, rages and propane tanks (which he will open just before he leaves) into the lumber area.

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Midway through this task a police cruiser pulls up. The two officers see the open door, investigate and then they arrest Dugan. Leaving aside the question of 'Breaking and Entering' what should Dugan be charged with involving 'Arson' and for what reason?Īssume that the Burpleson Pharmaceutical Company develops a new headache cure called 'Ache Away.' After it is released to the market, Burpleson researchers bring a report to the President and CEO of the company showing that the drug is very dangerous to persons over sixty who suffer from high blood pressure. Taking it for headaches can lead to stroke, cardiac arrest and death among persons in that group.

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